1) I don't think I'll ever regret that I chose to forgo the rockstar lifestyle (because, you know...I've had that opportunity so many times ;-) ). My very short time on the road this summer was enough to make me grateful that my future career will not involve quite so much traveling. I love to travel, but it's far too exhausting to do continuously...especially with 2 babies.
2) The next time I buy a car, it will be from a dealer with a warranty. The mysterious stalling problem still cannot be fixed, and we don't see the light within the next 2 days, I might just be walking to SC.
3) A food diary does no good unless you use it. Do I really need to expand on this one?
4) I'm now at the age where people can make the legitimate mistake of thinking I'm the mother of the children I watch...SCARY! I guess it doesn't help that Lucas's favorite word is "mommy" (even if he's addressing his dump truck), so I get a lot of "Mommy!"s thrown my way.
5) Blogging is lovely, but a theme of some sort would make it much easier an consistent.
6) I have decided that middle school might be a better fit for me (see post: life update).
7) If I were ever to write a novel, I believe the chosen genre would be young adult fiction because here's the thing...
8) I have learned that I rarely write to tell a story; I write to convey emotion...and what is the basis of adolescent lit. if not emotion?!
9) I don't really understand the point of twitter, although I've been so desperate for alternate forms of communication (3 months in Indiana can do that to a person...) that I've created an account (you can follow me @jfoxw04)!
10) The relationship that I fought so hard to save wasn't really worth saving. Even though I'm still adjusting, I can see that I will be much better off in the long run.
11) I'm not ready to be a teacher. In fact, I'm not sure this will be the dream job I've been waiting for.
12) Sometimes it's best to love people from a distance...
13) But not Jesus...on that note, I am the laziest person I know (see post: wasted time).
14) I'm turning 21 in 1 day, and I still do not feel like a "grown-up." Will I ever?!
15) Jesus still loves me dearly and pursues me even though I've pretty much ignored our relationship for the entire summer. I won't make any excuses for myself...because there are absolutely no legitimate ones.
16) I seem to have developed an immunity to coffee or maybe even caffeine in general, so on that note, I'm going to go to sleep...only a few short hours before I'll be helping Heather unpack her classroom in the morning and then chasing babies for the rest of the day!
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