Monday, September 28, 2009


I need an outlet, and since I'm pretty sure that not too many people actually read this blog, I think this is a semi-safe place. Once again, I feel like I have reached the end of my rope (it keeps getting shorter and shorter) soon in the semester too. I can't seem to keep it all together; things keep on slipping through the cracks--organization, assignments, punctuality--I no longer have the mental or emotional capacity to make it all happen anymore. What's worse, I don't know how to fix it.

Then there's this little issue of my car...the car with the bad transmission that will supposedly cost $2500 to repair. I have no idea where that money is going to come from, but my once-drivable vehicle is quickly deteriorating into a useless piece of hot metal, and I have the feeling that I will soon find myself without any form of reliable transportation. I truly have no idea what the next step should be...student loans aren't practical (no co-signer), help from parents isn't exactly feasible at the moment, credit card won't handle this big of a job, and if I try to start working enough hours to pay for this fix, I think I will quickly lose my sanity and flunk out of school. Again...I just can't seem to keep everything under control.

Add to all of this craziness my mysterious H1N1 type symptoms (but no fever, so it's all good), and I am officially a wreck.

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